Monday, December 13, 2010

Setting a NOT set a deadline

Are you a list maker, a list checker, an "i" dotter, a "t" crosser? Then you are probably a "deadline" creator. If you are, then you probably have a whole heap of friends who are nay-sayers and detractors, who make fun of your anal-retentiveness. I am with you brothers and sisters. I know the call, the compulsion, the urge to be tidy, orderly and thorough. I have been thinking about my lists, my goals and deadlines. I have been considering if they truly make my life stress free or if the expectations of the lists, goals and deadlines, make my life even MORE stressful.

So here is what I propose, comrades in control, for one day, ONE DAY, let's not. NOT make our lists, NOT check and cross off our lists, NOT dot our "i's", NOT cross our "t's", not make any deadlines....however small.

Let's take our one day, one moment at a time. Savoring the accomplishments of every second without expectations. Don't allow ourselves to be disappointed by our own petty AND monumental idealism. I'll let you know some time in the future how I fare in this tenant of Buddhism (see I'm learning-just a moment ago I would have said "I'll let you know *tomorrow*")

1 comment:

  1. Love this notion :)
    It's amazing just how much we can set our own selves up to fail...on a daily basis, in the most subtle ways...
    Thx for the reminder of being more "in the moment". Enjoy your day...........
